Daily Spiritual quotes and images to start the day emailed to your inbox every morning

About 'the dailies'

Since 2005, 'the dailies' have been assembled and mailed, at no cost, to a growing number of people curious of matters spiritual and the adventure of life.

Drawn from a vast pool of ancient and modern teachings, writers, thinkers, sages, shamans and everyday adventurers. Each day has a loose theme expressed in two short quotes and a corresponding image. ‘the dailies’ are brief, portable, thought provoking, curious, playful… and helpful.

“I love the fact that you draw on so many great spiritual writers, and often sneak in a little twist of humour. I could give you many examples of times I struggle with something and the morning daily has inspired me.”

“I look forward each morning to reading the dailies. I find serenity and inspiration. It's a beautiful feeling towards a positive mindshift, in these present times we live. Thank you for the meaningful, thoughtful words!”

“Got me right where I live. Wow, thanks.”

“This one’s perfect for this week. Thank you!”

“This one is spot on, one of my favourites, I have been enjoying the dailies very much. Thank you for taking trouble to post these.”

“These are the best things I receive every day now. Thank you.”

“I love these daily inspiring morsels. It is like being friends with a wise one. Thanks !

“Thanks for your hard work in constantly finding wonderful things for us to read. I still read my daily dewdrop everyday on waking.”